
Ata chapter for powerplant
Ata chapter for powerplant

ata chapter for powerplant

(xxi) Repairs involving the substitution of material. (xx) Parts of the control system such as control columns, pedals, shafts, brackets, or horns. (xv) Main seat support braces and brackets. (xiv) Members of the side truss, horizontal truss, or bulkheads. (x) Wing main ribs and compression members. (ix) Corrugated sheet compression members which act as flange material of wings or tail surfaces. (viii) Keel and chine members of boat hulls or floats. (ii) Monocoque or semimonocoque wings or control surfaces. Repairs to the following parts of an airframe and repairs of the following types, involving the strengthening, reinforcing, splicing, and manufacturing of primary structural members or their replacement, when replacement is by fabrication such as riveting or welding, are airframe major repairs. In addition, changes in the basic design of radio communication and navigation equipment approved under type certification or a Technical Standard Order that have an effect on frequency stability, noise level, sensitivity, selectivity, distortion, spurious radiation, AVC characteristics, or ability to meet environmental test conditions and other changes that have an effect on the performance of the equipment are also major alterations. Alterations of the basic design not made in accordance with recommendations of the appliance manufacturer or in accordance with an FAA Airworthiness Directive are appliance major alterations. (vi) Installation of parts not approved for the propeller.

ata chapter for powerplant

(v) Installation of propeller de-icing system. (iv) Installation of a propeller governor or feathering system. (iii) Changes in the governor or control design. The following alterations of a propeller when not authorized in the propeller specifications issued by the FAA are propeller major alterations: (vi) Conversions of any sort for the purpose of using fuel of a rating or grade other than that listed in the engine specifications. (v) Installation of structural parts other than the type of parts approved for the installation. (iv) Removal of accessories that are listed as required equipment on the aircraft or engine specification. (iii) Installation of an accessory which is not approved for the engine. (ii) Changes to the engine by replacing aircraft engine structural parts with parts not supplied by the original manufacturer or parts not specifically approved by the Administrator. (i) Conversion of an aircraft engine from one approved model to another, involving any changes in compression ratio, propeller reduction gear, impeller gear ratios or the substitution of major engine parts which requires extensive rework and testing of the engine. The following alterations of a powerplant when not listed in the engine specifications issued by the FAA, are powerplant major alterations. (xiii) Changes to the wing or to fixed or movable control surfaces which affect flutter and vibration characteristics. (xii) Changes to the basic design of the fuel, oil, cooling, heating, cabin pressurization, electrical, hydraulic, de-icing, or exhaust systems. (xi) Changes to the empty weight or empty balance which result in an increase in the maximum certificated weight or center of gravity limits of the aircraft. (ix) Hydraulic and electrical actuating system of components. (viii) Elements of an airframe including spars, ribs, fittings, shock absorbers, bracing, cowling, fairings, and balance weights. Alterations of the following parts and alterations of the following types, when not listed in the aircraft specifications issued by the FAA, are airframe major alterations: STANDARD PRACTICES AND STRUCTURES – GENERALĭ.O.Appendix A to Part 43 - Major Alterations, Major Repairs, and Preventive Maintenance VIBRATION AND NOISE ANALYSIS (HELICOPTER ONLY)ĮLECTRICAL – ELECTRONIC PANELS AND MULTIPURPOSE COMPONENTS PARKING, MOORING, STORAGE AND RETURN TO SERVICE This allows the maintenance engineer easily to check the information of the aircraft’s parts. The ATA chapter is present by the Air Transportation Association( 國際民航運輸協會 ).

Ata chapter for powerplant